The gaming industry is worth more than the multibillion dollar film and music industries combined … by a lot! There’s something inside human beings that loves games. That’s because games (to a more or lesser degree) bring out our competitive nature and that thing in us that loves achievements, success and rewards.
Big budget game developers have know this for years and capitalise on those biological hooks in us by crafting addictive ‘Pixel Candy’ to keep our eyeballs glued, fingers moving and wallets open.
‘The Game’ paradigm is one of the most powerful frameworks for living, learning and causing us to become the ‘Elite’ versions of ourselves . Just look to the sports world. It fosters ‘Eliteness’ in athletes, galvanises fans and provides a platform for ‘The Tales of The Incredible’ (where legends are born and talked about long after they’ve left the game).
You must find your ‘Life Sport’ .. ‘The Game’ that inspires you to the swap ‘the clothing of your past experience and disappointments’ for the legendary outfit and mental upgrades you’ll need in order to need to play in your extraordinary future. You must ‘Find Your Fire’ 🔥 … that thing that would make you ‘Run Through Brick Walls’ and ‘Crackle And Burn .. Come Alive’
And if you’re still unsure .. Go and watch the athletes, high achievers and legends .. Watch them as they burn with that thing that impels them to focus, tune out the noise and give their everything .. Watch them until something in them sparks the tinder in you and ‘Fires You, Makes You To Burn.
We’ve all been gifted a short amount of time to use our borrowed atoms and answer Life’s hope filled question .. ‘WHAT WILL YOU MAKE OF YOURSELF .. IN THIS WORLD FILLED WITH INFINITE POSSIBILITIES?’.
The Elevator Experience [ Part III ] helps you by presenting you to ‘The Game of Your Life’ .. The one that you were ‘Air Dropped’ into and born to excel at through ‘play’.
It doesn’t matter how you arrived on the earth. You may have had humble or very difficult beginnings .. You may have been damaged by ‘re-entry’ through earths atmosphere. You may be facing mountainous obstacles or ‘impossible’ situations right now. I’m here to tell you that ‘Roses Can Grow Out Of Manure’ and that everything (properly framed) can be used as fuel to propel you from where you are to where you were born to be. And The Maker made it so .. that manure can give birth to ‘Rose Beauty’
Most great games have some or all of the following elements :
- An Incredible Game World.
- An Electrifying Main Character.
- Power Ups and Upgrades.
- An Amazing Mission.
- Side Quests.
- Collectables.
- A Boss Fight (or Two).
The full details of ‘The Game’ are beyond the scope of this post but I’ll give you a brief overview to help ‘sketch out’ the concept.
Earth is the ‘supermodel’ planet of our solar system .. galaxy and as far as we know .. the universe. You were ‘Air Dropped’ in to walk the soil and breathe the air that legends and greatness before you have walked and breathed. The problem is that there are a bewildering buffet of options, a dizzying diner of choice spread out on the table of opportunity. There are so many different ‘games’ that want to ‘play you’ by drawing you in and away from your main quest that it’s not even funny.
You get ‘One Life’ here .. and if you’ve wandered off course, this ‘mind candy’ is your second chance at your first life, an incredible opportunity to change your experience at what it means to be alive and experience ‘The Same Planet .. But A Different World!’
You are the hero / (s)hero of the incredible movie of your life … You can be as dull or dynamic as YOU choose to be because The Maker gave you the dignity of completing your own self creation (within the bounds of reality). The way you walk, the way you talk, .. how or if you ‘hopscotch’ from opportunity to opportunity to build an incredible future .. It’s an exciting adventure of self discovery as you answer Life’s hope filled inviting question .. that being “What will you make of yourself in a world full of incredible possibility?”
The most savage upgrade you can give yourself is ‘The Upgrade of The Mind’. You’ll need to understand how to work with the ‘Next Level Supercomputer’ in your head in order to get results.
You’ll also need to learn how to stop that ‘Super Computer’ energy from working against you and keeping you stuck in the wrong version of your life.
The next ‘Boss Level’ upgrade is to find your superpower and understand how it works. Your superpower is arranged like a tree. Roots, trunk, branches, leaves, fruit.
Most people operate in a branch of their superpower .. You’ll need to unwrap the whole thing so that you can maximise your potential. (In a later post, I’ll be exposing a framework so that you can quickly and easily ‘Find Your Super Power .. So That You Can Live Your Legend')
‘The Game’ consist of 2 games which must be played simultaneously and mastered in order to win. It’s like getting fit and sculpting your body .. there’s the game of eating the right foods and lifting the right weights .. and the hidden game of becoming a person of discipline so that you can win.
You must win the game of becoming the person for whom the game was designed .. ‘An Absolute Star .. Living Legend!’
‘The Game’ will make you stretch by getting you to break up your own mental cage and challenge your limiting beliefs ..
It will make you sweat .. as you learn to do reps in the ‘Life Gym’ of disappointment and learn how to forge your own way.
But it will make you extraordinary .. because few are willing to pay the price to learn how to stretch their own eagles wings and use them to ‘Live In The Sky’
Side quests may be necessary .. but don’t get lost in a side quest.
Your audience has been given your gold coins .. And your job is to serve them with your superpower in such a way that it makes the gold flow back to your bag. .. there are people walking around right now with your gold in their pockets .. And the reason that you can’t live the life and enjoy the lifestyle that you desire is because you haven’t figured out how to use your superpower to serve them in a way that’s suffused with distinction. When you find your audience .. the game is to never stop learning how to serve them with distinction and to blow them away .. on the 5 Levels of Play.
1. Local
2. National
3. International
4. Global
5. Generational.
1. A Boss Fight ( Or Two ).
‘To Get To The Next Level .. You’re Going To Have To Fight The Boss!’ The biggest baddest boss you’ll ever fight is YOURSELF. Because ‘When You Master Yourself .. The World Fits Into The Palm of Your Hands’
The biggest baddest boss fight you’ll ever have to do is with yourself .. Because If you can win within .. if you can change the internal conversation with your explosive inner hyper computer .. if you can persuade yourself that you’re God breathed, formidable and fierce .. you’ll become unstoppable.
It’s ‘When You Master Yourself .. That The World Fits Into The Palm of Your Hands’ and when you know who you truly are .. the mountains will move out of your way!
No game is worth playing without high stakes. And an adventure isn’t an adventure without risk and a beautiful goal.
The Stakes couldn’t be higher .. because you will either ‘Play The Game You Were Born To Play’ .. or ‘Get Played’ .. by being tricked Into ‘Being The Wrong Version of Yourself .. Who’s Stuck In The Wrong Version of Your Life!’ with no hope of escaping until your ‘timer’ runs out …
1. Are you playing The Game You Were Born To Play .. Or ‘Stuck in The Game Of Distraction’ / ‘Lost in a ‘Side Quest’.
2. What is it costing you (and those you care about) to not become the best version of yourself and ‘Play The Game That You Were Born To Play’?
3. When will you commit to start ‘Playing Your Game’
Pick A Champion. Think of someone who you consider the G.O.A.T (Greatest Of All Time) in a sport, activity or field of endeavour. A Shining example that you truly admire .. What would happen if they were you .. and that G.O.A.T. version of you found their superpower and showed up ‘on fire’ 🔥 in your life??
🔥 Fire only spreads when it passes from one person to another. Help us ‘Make The World Burn’ by sharing this fire with your audience and friends 🔥.
Amazing creative way for me to understand why I need to up my game. Love this@