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“We’ve fused gorgeous inspirational African styled artwork, next level music plus inspired spoken work and then found a unique way to capture it on a sheet of metal. Simply scan the little black box in the corner of our pictures to unlock the ‘muzic’. Our customers absolutely love our products .. and you’ll love the game changing financial bonuses that come through promoting what we do!” We pay a minimum 20% commission on any sales that come through your network. Example : Your network is 100,000 people. If your network is in our target demographic and we convert at a conservative 1% then on average 1000 people from your network will make a purchase. The average commission based on all our pricing tiers is $35USD So your payout = $35 * 1000 = $35,000 ** please note .. the figure is no guarantee of your final payout but just illustrative of the potential earnings potential if the product is promoted properly and the social media algorithm is used to its full potential.

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